Neuroshima Hex

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter updated with Desert Tribes

Another Neuroshima Hex army pack debut, another NSHex Counter app update - this time with the newest Desert Tribes tile set.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter goes Open Source

Our web app for counting tiles when playing Neuroshima Hex board game that was originally released in 2019, NSHex Counter, is now open sourced on GitHub.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter updated with Partisans

Two weeks ago we've added the Merchants Guild army to the NSHex Counter app, and now it's time to catch up and implement Partisans.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter updated with Merchants Guild

It's that time of the year again when Portal Games releases a new army pack for the Neuroshima Hex board game and we're updating the NSHex Counter app to include it - this time it's Merchants Guild.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter updated with Pirates

Another year - another new Neuroshima Hex army pack. This time it's Pirates, and so the NSHex Counter app that allows the board game fans to track the current state of their stack of tokens left was updated.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter gets Beasts

The NSHex Counter app that launched two years ago, which serves Neuroshima Hex board game fans with the ability to keep track of the tiles used by them and the opponent, got its second update with the newest army - Beasts.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Roulette - mixing physical with digital

We're big fans of the physical board game Neuroshima Hex, and NSHex Roulette is a digital expansion to that game. We are offering a unique experience to all the fans, and it's free thanks to implementing the Web Monetization API as part of the Grant for the Web program.

Neuroshima Hex

NSHex Counter gets Troglodytes

The NSHex Counter app launched last year, which serves Neuroshima Hex fans with the ability to keep track of the tiles used by opponents, got its first update with the newest army - Troglodytes.